Stata also has advanced tools for detailed data management such as survival/duration data, time series, panel / longitudinal details, categorical data, data from multiple imputations, etc. You could deal for decimal, integer, short, float, double and stream variables (with up to 2 billion characters BLOBs and strings included). Datasets can be compiled and reworked, parameter controlled and data obtained by the team to reproduce. Version management means that numerical systems generate the same results irrespective of how you write them.

For publishing and analysis, both analyzes can be replicated and recorded.

Stata is a collection of data analysis, information engineering, and visualization programs. Stata / MP also provides for 120,000 compared to 32,767 permitted Stata / SE variables. Stata / MP can analyze 10 to 20 billion observations on the largest available computers and is ready to analyze up to 1 trillion observations when hardware matches. Up to two billion observations can be analyzed by Stata / SE. Up to 64 processors can be used by Stata / MP. The multi-processor server even faster runs Stata / MP. Stata / MP helps you to analyze data on inexpensive dual-core laptops in a quarter or two-thirds relative to Stata / SE and on quad-core desktops and laptops in half and less.